


Segment Information

Broadleaf Group has a single business segment (IT services).
Revenue by service categories is disclosed in order to explain the detail of the revenue.

Revenue by Service Categories(Consolidated/IFRS)

[Million Yen] FY12/2022 FY12/2023 FY12/2024
Cloud service 2,628 5,236 8,200
Packaged system 11,205 10,149 9,400
Total 13,833 15,385 17,600
  1. The indicated figures are rounded off.
  2. Breakdown of forecast for FY12/2024 is based on the data announced on Aug 8, 2024.

Description of Service Categories

Service categories are defined based on the type of IT services the Group provide to clients. Software services and marketplaces are categorized as "Cloud service," while software sale, operation and support are categorized as "Packaged system."

Definition of terms:   Glossary