Analyst Coverage
This is a list of analysts of securities companies and research organizations who analyze the Company’s operating performance and financial results, etc. and who review and recommend its shares.
Organization |
Name |
Rating |
Target Price |
Update Date |
Makoto Hatada |
Buy |
1,350 yen |
November 21, 2024 |
This list is prepared according to the objective standards of the Company based on information the Company has obtained as of the time of publication. Please note that there may be analysts who are not included in this list, that the Company does not necessarily advocate or support the analysts who are included. Please also note that the information may not be entirely up to date.
This list is published for the purpose of providing investors with information for their analysis of the operating performance, etc. of the Company, as well as information on analysts who make forecasts and their affiliated organizations. It is not published for the purpose of soliciting or recommending trading of the Company’s shares.
Analysts analyze, among other aspects, the operating performance, businesses, products and technologies of the Company, and forecast its performance based on their own judgment. The Company is not involved in any of these processes. The Company does not necessarily endorse or guarantee the forecasts, opinions or recommendations of the analysts.
Please understand that any investment decisions you make are at your own discretion and risk.