



We are striving to ensure thorough compliance with laws and regulations for directors and employees, as well as for the purpose of establishing corporate governance that pursues social responsibility.
Compliance within the Group means not only compliance with laws and regulations, but also sincere behavior based on the values and ethics required of corporate and social members as members of society.
Through these efforts, we aim to provide value to society by realizing fair and appropriate management.

Corporate Code of Conduct

We have established a code of conduct that clarifies the relationship between society, customers, business partners, competitors, shareholders, and employees in the course of our business operations, and ensures that we act responsibly in accordance with social norms.

Code of Conduct for Directors and Employees

We have established the Code of Conduct for Directors and Employees as standards of judgment for each and every member of the Board of Directors and Employee of the Group in accordance with the Corporate Code of Conduct.

Internal Hotline System

In the event of a violation of laws and regulations in the course of business, we have established an internal reporting system that enables employees to report, report, or consult through letters, e-mails, faxes, interviews, or telephone calls. In addition to the dedicated in-house contact point, we have also set up an external contact point (reporting to affiliated attorneys) that enables anonymous reporting. This system covers directors and employees, as well as directors and employees of subcontractors.

Implementation of Compliance Education

In order to raise employees' awareness of compliance, we actively conduct compliance education through training for new employees, e-learning education, which is held regularly, and reading the Ethics and Compliance Guidebook. We will promote compliance activities by holding workshops on important themes such as compliance, prevention of insider trading, and management and protection of intellectual property, in order to raise the awareness of all Group employees, including those overseas.